Remember when I posted about the books that I’m reading? I’m happy to report that I finally finished Roomies by Tara Altebrando and Sara Zarr, which I loved.
Inspired by Estelle’s of Rather Be Reading blog gift guides , I created a gift guide for the characters in Tara Altebrando and Sara Zarr’s novel, Roomies, a novel about the conversations between two freshman roommates the summer before college starts.

Overall, Roomies was one of my favorite books for 2013 and it’s perfect as a Christmas present since it’s released on December 24th. If you can’t get it for Christmas, I’ve put together a gift guide with gifts that are perfect for the characters.

Lauren: She has a big family so it’ll be perfect to frame those pictures with these gold magnetic polaframes from PIQ (1). Also, she works with her boyfriend at his father’s deli shop, which is pretty much how her relationship with him began. What better to remember that than this sub sandwich pocket pouch (2)? Just a random thought but I totally think she’d love these paper airplane push pins (3) because they’re quite unique.

EB: She’s a landscape architect major and while she probably can’t bring the plants she’s used to working with into her dorm room, why not have these plant cards (1) or these cute planters (2)? Definitely quite original. With her mom, EB’s a huge Veronica Mars fan, these VM phone cases (3) are pretty much the bomb.
Review copy provided by the publisher