There are so many things that I would tell my younger teenage self so it’s no wonder that I’m excited to participate in the Dear Teen Me blog tour. Dear Teen Me is a collection of letters that YA authors (Sarah Ockler, Lauren Olivier, Ellen Hopkins, and more) wrote to their teenage selves.

Some of the stories in Dear Teen Me make me want to cry and others made me want to laugh. Most of all though, Dear Teen Me made being a teenager a normal experience.

Are you confused? It’s okay too, if you don’t believe me. You don’t have to because every time you fall, I have memories to use as reference. I sound so mean right now, but it’s okay to not be perfect. You’re only human after all so continue on with your life.
I also had the chance to interview one of the editors of the anthology, E. Kristin Anderson. The interview is below:

I really had no idea. I think Miranda [the co-editor] and I sort of tossed the idea around once or twice that it would be a cool book, but I don’t think either one of us expected it to happen! So it was a wonderful surprise when Zest wanted to make it so! I did, of course, hope that the letters would reach lots and lots of teens and young people. And I’m so glad that the book is helping us do that!
I’d definitely say hang in there. I think one thing a lot of us don’t realize as teens is that pretty much everyone is struggling. Just in different ways. And that once you get out of high school, things do start to even out a bit. It’s just really hard to have that perspective because the grief and the pain and the OMG this sucks moments are all really, really real and immediate. So hang in there. Things get better.
4. Is there going to be another Dear Teen Me anthology in the works?
I’d love to do one! Nothing is planned yet, but if the opportunity arises, I’m all over it! In the mean time, we’re continually posting new content on the DearTeenMe.com website, so I hope fans will stop by there!
I bet that will vary reader-to-reader. Some teens might find it to be a fun book to pass around and flip through, kind of like a Post Secret anthology. And others might hold onto it and read certain letters over and over and find hope there. No matter how our readers react to the book, we do hope it makes a difference in their lives. If only for a moment. And we also hope it makes them laugh a little. I mean come on — some of the hair in this book is ridiculous!
Dear Teen Me: Authors Write Letters to Their Teen Selves. (Zest Books, October 30, 2012, $14.99; ISBN 978-1-9369762-1-8) edited by Miranda Kenneally and E. Kristin Anderson. Zest Books, a leading publisher of nonfiction for young adult readers, is distributed by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. It is available wherever books are sold!