… Christmas!
… the end of the year!
… New Years!

Insanity. I would’ve sworn it was only September a while ago. My semester’s almost over, which I can’t believe. A lot has happened since school started (moving away, dorm life, and so many upheavals in my personal life) and while not all were especially good, I’m grateful that they happened. After all, we learn from our choices, whether or not they’re positive, right?
My room is a mess but I’m not really in a mood to clean it since finals week is next week and I haven’t started cracking down to study yet. The library is going to be my favorite location to be in the next few days; I can just feel it.
2014 is going to be interesting and as I’m going through my RSS feeds, I can just feel that it’s going to be a wonderful year in terms of books as well. So many releases to look forward to! Jenny Han’s To All the Boys I’ve Loved anyone?
I finished Roomies, which was one of the books I was reading. Incredibly good and a review should hopefully be up before the year ends. (See how far I’m planning? Normal posting should resume in three weeks! Look forward to it.)
It’s another short post for this week and probably minimal posts for next week since it’s finals week. Gotta run!
Favorite November Posts:
A Visit to an Indie Bookstore
What I’m Reading
Life Lessons: Life is What You Make of It
Book-Related Things That Annoy Me [GIF version]
The Reluctant Fundamentalist
Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock
Also, VSCOcam just released for Android yesterday. It’s quickly became one of my favorite camera/photography apps. Get on it! It’s simply a beautiful app.
What was your year like? What are you looking forward to as the year ends? Are you stressed out, too?