The Promise of Stardust by Priscille Sibley (William Morrow (HarperCollins)) is among one of the best books I’ve read this year. It’s even more surprising that it’s a debut novel. It’s delicate, well-written and heart-wrenching.

“Mom insisted Dad’s funeral would not be morbid. Word went around that we were each to come up with five stories to tell about Dad-or else. Funny stories were best, but any nonsappy tale would do. I found out more things about my father in those two days than I’d known in my lifetime. For six months, when he was in elementary school, he ate nothing but peanut-butter sandwiches. In high school he and his father helped build a house for a family who lost everything after their furnace exploded…. I found myself wondering: Why is it we know so little about the people we love until they are gone?”