I explored local neighborhood recently and found the some of the above books (Year of the Gadfly, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, and The Emperor’s Children) for sale at my library’s used book section. I don’t normally buy from the used books section (the selection usually isn’t very good). Barnes and Noble had a great after-holiday sale, too so I stocked up on that too (found that their bargain book selection was really good, thanks to Kelly). I was a little annoyed that the books were all slightly damaged (including the packaging slip) in the mail.
It’s my first non-review and non-life related post of the year, something I don’t know whether to be happy or annoyed about it. I told myself in 2012 that I needed more reviews and now I’m adding more non-review posts. Balance, maybe?
Blogging has taken a back seat recently, as school eats up nearly all my time (Hello 3AM mornings! Goodbye, sleep). I read more textbooks than I do novels that aren’t required for school and it’s been rough. Breaks have helped though, to catch my breath and dive into blogging, only to come back up and bury myself in school-related things again.
With that said, my 2013 resolution is to be more efficient in general, not just blogging. It’s getting harder to juggle everything– school, work, blogging, and my (semi-existent) social life. 2013 promises more travel time (Thank you! I really do need a long vacation.) and more blogging events (BEA 2013, here I come*).
I totally related to Shini’s (fashion blogger and an amazing photographer based in London) post about getting it together. Nearly five years (I cannot believe this) later, I’m still here blogging (and not knowing where I’m going with this blog that I created on a whim). Blogs that existed when I started are still chugging along and blogging has become so, so much more popular than it was when I started. Shini says, “Ultimately, I’m afraid that I am wasting my time doing something completely unimportant in the large scheme of things” and I relate so well. I have no idea what I’m doing or even if it’s worth it. Like the day that I started this blog, I’m still confused at what my direction is with this blog. Hopefully, I can answer this question some time soon.

*Anyone else going to BEA? Feel free to tell me in the comments or on Twitter (@alicejane011)!