I have no idea how time flew by and how it’s March already. It seems like it was only last week that I was standing on a chair on my tiptoes in the common room in my post-workout gear, shooting some of my favorite Asian food staples. It was early morning and much to my chagrin, one of my suitemates just woke up and came out, seeing my somewhat precarious situation.
But looking back, a half-month full of early morning workouts and insanely cold temperatures (you know it’s bad when you have no idea if the temperature you’re given is in Celsius or Fahrenheit; is it -20 in Celsius or Fahrenheit? It turns out it was the latter.) has passed. Phew.
The last DIY I made was about the book of 2012 book so it’s only fitting that the next DIY I post is about the 2014 book. Celeste Ng’s Everything I Never Told You is one of my favorite 2014 books and I’m so incredibly happy that it’s gotten the recognition that it deserves and more.

I adore the fact that it’s about a Chinese-American family exploring a multitude of things– family, identity, meaning of life, but I also love the fact that the book ultimately transcends race. It’s not just a book about race, but a book about how to love, how to deal with grief, and more. There were so many moments where I was able to connect.
If you haven’t read the book yet, seriously, get on it. Even Buzzfeed has.

- Markers
- Glue Stick
- Blue ombre paper (from the scrapbook section of a craft store) or blue paper
- Pieces of looseleaf (notebook paper), yellow, and white paper
- Scissors
- A copy of the book or the cover to reference
1. Trim a piece of blue ombre paper to match the size of your card.

2. Cut pieces of loose leaf, yellow lined paper, white paper and orange paper to similar sizes. Place on blue paper and glue.
3. Using a black marker, write the title of the book on the pieces of paper.
What are some of your favorite books right now? What book should I DIY next?