I can’t believe it’s pre-Christmas-Eve already. Where did all the time go? While I’m busy getting over my fever-cold-tiredness that was probably induced by all the stress built up by the end of the semester, you’re busy wrapping up last minute gifts and eating holiday food. I’ll catch up soon, I promise!
I hope you’ll have a great holiday and I’m looking forward to the New Year! 2014, here I come! Resolutions! New Year! New semester, new everything! And before I forget, thank you, dear reader for sticking around this year and I hope you join me for 2014.
I’ll be taking a short break for the holidays to relax and eat but I’ll be back on January 3rd. In the meantime, I’ll be on Twitter while watching old episodes of Project Runway All-Stars, which will no doubt make me want to start sewing again and organizing my plans for next semester as well as the summer.
Also, I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for the Sherlock mini-episode that airs on Christmas Eve. Sherlock and Watson better be in it. I DID NOT WAIT THIS LONG FOR NO SHERLOCK AND WATSON.
Anyway, what are you doing?