A couple weeks ago, it was my birthday. I ate four different cakes, all thanks to the loveliest friends that I could have and eaten my belly’s full of Filipino food, which I’ve discovered is amazing. I’ve discovered that I’m atrocious at blowing out candles even on the second round of cakes and candles and that I am terribly shy when large groups of people sing “happy birthday” to me.

It’s strange that how just like that, I’m on my last year of being a teenager because I would’ve sworn that being an awkwardly-tall-thirteen year old was just a little while ago. I can’t get over how the thirteen year olds now have no recollection (thankfully?) of black plastic chokers and pens that are made out of pen tips. I’ve somehow become a person who says, “Remember when…” to a group of young preteens only to be met with a blank stare. Youth.
Yet, I’m happy that I’m getting older. I’m happy and forever grateful that I can write, do bit of research, play with social media and take opportunities when they come.
I’m looking forward to being a real adult, thinking of all the possible places that my life could lead me. And, because it’s always fun to give when you get, I’m doing a giveaway, in celebration for another year and all the years of pixels that I’ve added to the web.
Here’s to the adventures that led me to write and read, all while studying (though not at the same time) and I can’t wait to see what lies in the year ahead.
I’m giving away books because how can I not? Here’s to 2 books of the winner’s choice from Book Depository for one lucky winner! And because it’s Book Depository, it’s open to international readers as well, as long as Book Depository ships to you.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
What books do you want to own?