Here’s another installation of Creative Spaces, where I take a peek into bloggers’ workspaces.

I’ve known this week’s blogger for quite some time and she’s an absolute sweetheart in the blogging world. Who is it? None other than Asti from Oh, the Books!

Hi! I’m Asti (pronounced Ah-stee) and I’m a 25-year-old girl whose life pretty much revolves around books. I’m American, but I’m currently living in London pursuing a Publishing MA and spending time with my long-distance boyfriend. When I’m not completing work placements with various publishers in the city, you can find me here at my desk studying, working on my book blog Oh, the Books!, or reading.

A little about her design style…
I’m not quite sure how to describe my design style. Honestly, my creative space is a hodge-podge of stuff – items I brought over with me from the US, UK-purchases I made when moving in, and gifts. There are some bright and colourful things, but also a lot of brown, and they’re all just sort of mish mashed together. But you know what? Even if I haven’t created with a design style in mind, I absolutely love it.

A little about her space…
For me, it’s all about what makes me feel good – whether it’s a motivating quote or a gift from home or one of my many, many books. I like being able to look up from my computer and easily find something to make me smile on any given day. So many of the items around my desk are connected to certain memories or people, and I cherish them all. And for me, that’s what’s important about designing your creative space – making it so it makes you feel good, no matter how much work you have to do!