Here’s another installation of Creative Spaces. I’m really excited about this week’s feature and I hope you are, too! I’ve been a fan of Hazel from Stay Bookish’s photography for a while now. It definitely doesn’t hurt that she blogs, too, since photography and blogging are among the best things in life, in my opinion.

A little about her…
Hi! I’m Hazel. I’m bookish, weird and an introvert most of the time. I’m also an 18 year old college student but I spend most of my leisure time in bed with books. I reside in the Philippines but I also live inside my mind where countless different worlds exist. I run a blog, Stay Bookish, which is a place for bibliophiles to fall constantly in love with books.
Her workspace…
So this is my workspace! I’m not sure I’d use the term ‘creative’ because it’s pretty simple. Basically, I just have my desktop- which is where all my work is mostly done. I love my desktop wallpaper, btw. It’s so perfectly me. Underneath my desktop, a purple mat covers my desk because I’m a messy worker and that doesn’t exactly bode well for my white table. I’m not much for design of my deskman but I like purple. Also, I have drawers beneath, which is where I place all my stuff so my desk isn’t that cluttered.
Her design elements…
I love owls. I have several figurines and owl items and I like collecting them! The owl near my desktop is my favourite! To the right of my desktop, I have several books. These are books I’ve read recently and need to review. I keep them near my computer so I can remember to start writing my reviews. On top of my book pile is my shoe-shaped tape dispenser, which holds my favourite blue chevron washi tape!
This one isn’t shown in my workspace photo but right beside my book pile are my pen holder, my post-it dispenser, my mug of clips and other small things! Btw, if you haven’t noticed, I have a thing for hearts. Hearts are cute and adorable okaaaay. Haha, to be honest though, I only noticed the hearts theme on my desk when I took these photos so this really wasn’t a conscious decision. I really don’t have a motif for my workspace- I like random! Anything that’s cute and colourful fits my desk well.
Aren’t the colors in her workspace wonderful? I think it’s interesting that her workspace reflects her blog design, too, like the way Ginger’s does as well. There’s a similarity in color scheme between Hazel’s personal space and blog, which is so neat. Also, that tape dispenser! Scotch tape makes one, which I’ve seen at Staples, but I’m sure you can get it in other stores as well as online.
Do you collect something? Do you have an unique item?