It’s International Women’s Day today and I wanted to give a shout out to the women who inspire me, both online and offline. Let’s support and uplift women.

So many of my female friends inspire me whether it’s their work ethics, sense of humor, views on life or fashion sense. I’m constantly learning new things from them and going on new adventures, which sometimes includes getting lost on the way, both metaphorically and literally. They’re my people and I’m all the better for it.
Laverne Cox: I went to a college talk that Laverne Cox gave a couple years ago (and took photos of her). She’s someone who is unapologetic in her identity and views. Some of her experiences are harrowing (constant bullying and struggles as a transgender female) and it was so powerful to listen to her talk in person. It’s changed how I view a lot of things, including what inclusivity as well as intersectionality really means.
Grace Bonney: I’ve followed Design*Sponge for years (since 2010 or so) and I love how Grace uses her platform to uplift voices who may not have been heard in mainstream media, including women, minorities and LGBTQ. She does it in such a sensitive and warm manner, and it’s something that I really love about her. She recently followed me on Twitter (I’m convinced it’s a fluke honestly) and I’m just like, “ I think she pressed the wrong button”.
Jemma Wei: She’s a Singaporean blogger/writer/creator and I enjoy following her blog and social media. She inspires me with her endless creativity, her writing and her work ethic. She travels a lot throughout Asia for work and pleasure so I live vicariously through her in that way. I wish I were in Asia a lot more than I am because the food looks amazing and there are so many things to see as well as experience.
Franziska (blogger behind Franish): Franziska is an OB/Gyn intern and blogger. I like how her blog is a balance of both, between style and medicine. She’s one of the OG med student (now intern) bloggers and it’s scary yet exciting that I’ll be following in her footsteps come fall.
Shini Park: She’s irreverent, she’s funny and she’s creative as hell. I’ve followed her blog and social media since 2010 or so and she never fails to surprise me with how she pushes content creation to another level. She’s a creative consultant (produces/edits/styles photos and videos for major outlets including Ferragamo), social media guru and blogger. Her blog was one of the first blogs I followed that created posts in an editorial format and she never stops innovating. I am inspired by her views on social media as well as content curation. Also, she makes me laugh, so that’s a plus in my book.