There’s something about New York— the perpetual flow of people no matter the weather and the liveliness of the whole city that makes it so incredibly fun to go to. My parents don’t understand my fascination with the city– what do you do everytime you go?
Go places, of course. There are so many quaint neighborhoods in New York and it’s impossible to see all of them at once. On one recent trip, I went to East Village for the first time and it was really different from the usual New York that I see, with indie shops and for the first time in my life, I saw a part of New York where Starbucks aren’t dotted all over the place.
The words “New York” always refer to NYC for me. When I went away from the East coast for the first time, I would say “New York” and people would ask, “the city or the state?”. In my mind, it’s always the city and sometimes forget that there’s more to New York than the city.
New York is always and will be, an adventure.

