I love Instagram because everything is so visual so I decided to start a new feature called Insta-books to feature bookish Instagrammers. I hope you like the new feature!
1// Novel Sounds-I love Novel Sounds blog and the blog’s visuals carry over to Instagram (not surprisingly!).
2// Trinity Doyle– Trinity Doyle’s Instagram is really soothing but not entirely bookish. It’s okay though, because her life seems pretty interesting.
3//Pop Goes the Reader– Pop Goes the Reader also has a great Instagram feed. Loving the card that Estelle made her!
4//Arie Turner-Arie Turner’s feed is gorgeous. I love the color and the styling of the books. I found her feed through Hazel‘s feature, Novel Portraits, which is worth checking out for interviews of people who take some awesome photos.
What are some of your favorite Instagram feeds?