I really appreciated the feedback I got from the first installment of Creative Spaces and I’m so happy that you like the feature! The second installment of Creative Spaces is Cee from The Novel Hermit‘s. I love talking to Cee about fonts, which is something we both love, and just anything in general.
A little about herself…
I am Cee. I run The Novel Hermit. You might know me as the person who shouts a lot about books, fonts, and narwhals. This is the desk I work from a lot. It’s not really like a traditional desk (in a way) and it’s pretty boring.

Its original use was not for anything desk related. It was one of those tables that you’d set your television on. (Can you tell?) It used to belong to my sister, who decided to move it out of her room (because she rarely watched TV in the first place, and was getting a new dresser and bookshelf) to mine because apparently, my room was big enough to store her crap. Luckily, I didn’t mind. I was in need of a new desk because my previous ones didn’t offer a lot of table space. I love it! It has wheeeeellllsss! I can move it wherever I want, which is why I work from my bed. The thing that sucks about the desk is that there’s no leg room because of the cabinet below. : I either have to sit on my legs or put my legs to the side, which isn’t that ideal.

On the top surface of my desk, I have my trusty laptop. Behind the laptop, my books are stacked nicely for me to gaze lovingly at it. Other miscellaneous like my hair tie, chapstick, and desk light sit on the desk as well. I don’t have any trinkets (other than a couple of coins) to decorate the desk because things always gets knocked off my table and I hate picking it up. That’s the downside of having a desk that isn’t situated against the wall.

Right underneath the surface is like my shelf space. I store any other necessities there like my notepads, external hard drives, ARCs I will be reading, a speaker from an old computer, and a jar of peanut butter. Anything, really. When the surface gets cluttered, I move things to the shelf.That is my desk. It’s not the most pretty or exciting of desks, but it fits my needs and it has wheeeeeeeellllllsssss. (Yes, I had to write that again.)
I’d like to thank Cee for taking the time to write this post and take photos of her desk. I love how her workspace is unconventional and that she has a jar of Skippy peanut butter around. Her light’s pretty neat, too! Cee says, about it, “Look at that beauty. I can situate it anywhere because it’s so flexible.”
Do you work from an unconventional workspace? What’s the story behind your desk?