I’ve known Jenny since pretty much forever. She’s recently hopped onto the book blogging bandwagon with her book review blog, Book Doll . Jenny’s a feminist and it shows in her blog. It’s quite different from most blogs in that sense. I hope you have fun reading this interview!
Wow, where did the time go! In the early stages of my blog, I posted frequently and did some (shameless) self promotion on Twitter. I also tried out a meme (Feature Friday hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read) to get more followers which let me discover new blogs as well.
5. What’s your favorite book? Favorite YA book? Favorite classic/literary?
6. Doctor Who! Andrew Garfield! London! Hahahaha, would you consider yourself an Anglophile, even just a little?
Let’s just say I was English in my past life. Haha but I’m definitely obsessed with British culture- literature, music, Andrew Garfield, television, fashion etc. It would be a dream come true to visit Great Britain someday!
Another Blogger Tuesday interview will be posted next Tuesday! For an archive of the Blogger Tuesday posts, you can go here.